ABM NeuroMovement for Children
ABM NeuroMovement is a proven method that helps all children reach their potential and move beyond limitations.
NeuroMovement helps children with the following conditions:
HIE (Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy) / loss of oxygen at birth
Cerebral Palsy
Birth Trauma such as Torticollis and Brachial Plexus Injury
Movement Disorders
Neuromuscular Disorders
Genetic Disorders
Congenital Disorders and Brain Malformations
Autism Spectrum Disorder and Aspergers
Traumatic Brain Injury
Drowning and Hypoxia
Anxiety and Learning Disabilities
Learning Challenges
Pain and loss of mobility from past injuries or surgeries
NeuroMovement for Children with Special Needs
Children have amazing learning brains that soak up information like sponges. ABM NeuroMovement affirms that despite their challenges, children with special needs have those same brilliant brains capable of transformation.
ABM NeuroMovement maintains that although these underlying conditions disrupted the child’s natural and spontaneous learning process, great hope lies in the ability of the brain to upgrade and change itself when the right conditions for learning are provided.
ABMNeuroMovement helps all children learn to: perceive differences, differentiate, create and integrate well-organized neural networks for improved functional movement, communication, cognition, self-regulation and emotional well being.
Children believed to have plateaued with other methods have made great gains with ABMNeuroMovement because the approach is different and focusses on the brain. ABM provides children with new experiences of themselves that they were unable to generate on their own, that their brain can put to spontaneous use.
During an ABMNM lesson the practitioner aims to connect with your child rather than to “fix” a particular problem. Children are not asked to do what they cannot yet do because that way of learning is difficult, frustrating and unlikely to be successful.
ABMNM practitioners guide your child to find ease and new possibilities using gentle touch, a knowledge of efficient and organized movement patterns and Anat Baniel's Nine Essentials. These essentials create the conditions that allow your child's brain to upgrade itself by igniting learning and facilitating the creation of new neural connections.
By experiencing ABM NeuroMovement, children learn to move, think, self-regulate, communicate and connect with themselves and others.
What to Expect:
Please bring a drink and a snack for your child as brain work is tiring and energy draining. Dress your child in comfortable clothing, including socks. Your child can be asleep during the lesson. After a quick chat, parents are asked to sit quietly, observe and let the practitioner take the lead in the lesson. However, the practitioner may call on you to participate with your child.
Lessons for children are usually done in intensive blocks of 10 lessons over 5-7 days followed by a break of a month before the next intensive. During an intensive, we recommend to keep the child’s schedule as free as possible so there is plenty of time to rest and integrate the learning from the lessons.
Home Work:
With ABM, we do not give a home program to do at home with your child. Between ABM intensives children need free undirected time to play with and experiment with what they have learned.
We encourage all parents and caregivers to read Anat Baniel’s book Kids Beyond Limits as the 'home program'. Parents and caregivers have the most important role. Reading Kids Beyond Limits will give you the tools to apply the Nine Essentials in the child's daily life. This will help you connect optimally with the child to dramatically enhance learning, well-being and happiness.